Herzlich willkommen in meinem Blog!
My name is Solomon Lam.
I am working on a stochastic particle system known as the exchange-driven growth model as part of my PhD study.
I hope you enjoy your visit here.
To my university page and the old page.
On the Smoluchowski coagulation equation for aggregation phenomena
Quantum Markov Semigroups in Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics
Markov process
Large Deviations- An introduction
Wasserstein Gradient Flows
Lorenz attractor and the butterfly effect
Skorohod topology
Input-Vortrag Kants ewige friedliche Utopie und der Menschenrechtsschutz
Langevin equation
Approximation via Langevin dynamics
Sampling, particle system and neural network
From genomics to transfer learning
Optimal transport in quantum many-particle system
Neural network as interacting particle system
Data cleaning
Cloud classifier
First post
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